Winter Traditions

Winter Traditions

Our Favourite Winter Traditions!

Winter would have to be my favourite time of year… and when I say winter I mean November till the end of January. After that, I’m dreaming of summer. However, I have a little list of some of our favourite winter traditions that help get us through the winter slump!

Winter Traditions

1. Family Shopping trip

We got married in November so we like to take our anniversary and use it as an excuse to go away for a couple of nights and go Christmas shopping! We like to go to Niagara Falls. We hit up all the outlet malls and have a nice fancy dinner and just enjoy the beginning of the holiday season.

2. Christmas Tree

We go every year on the first Sunday of December to go cut our Christmas tree down as a family. We have a fun running around trying to find the best tree and then relaxing by the big fire with a cup of hot apple cider.

3. Decorating

This is the best! We are the type of people that enjoy our Christmas decorations for 3 months of the year… After Remembrance Day they go up and don’t come down till the end of January early February. My husband and I LOVE cranking the Christmas tunes and having a glass or three of eggnog and Spiced Rum while we decorate the house together!!!!!

4. Winter Craft Night

This is a fun way to get together with all your girlfriends and have a glass of wine or eggnog and create some fun new Christmas decorations this is a favourite Winter Tradition among our friends.

You can create a wreath

See also  Finding my Spark.

a winter porch planter

a festive wooden crate centrepiece

winter welcome signs

wooden ornament Christmas tree

5. Gift Exchange Game

This has been a winter tradition since I can remember! This has always been a blast and is sure to get everyone laughing and involved! Plus it adds more fun than the traditional secret Santa.

This is how it works:

  • Set a Gift limit Ex: $50
  • Everyone purchases a gift and wraps it!!!!!!!!
  • Everyone gathers around in a circle with the gifts in the center
  • Get 2 decks of cards. One to hand out one to call the cards
  • Hand out the cards till they are gone with everyone having the same amount of cards.
  • Someone calls the cards when your card is called you pick a gift
  • Open the gift for everyone to see.
  • You can choose to keep your gift or steal from someone else. If you steal then the gift you grabbed from the middle goes back in the middle.
  • This repeats till all the cards are called
  • If someone is left without a gift because it was stolen they get the last gift in the middle.

6. Baking!!!

Once Remembrance day passes I am in full-blown baking mode! It’s one of the things I look forward to in the winter! Cranking the Christmas tunes and zoning out and making some mouth-watering treats. The smell helps set a cozy warmth to the house… something you need when your still struggling to accept that time change.

This is one of my favourite way to embrace the cold weather and get through to the new year! Stuffing my face full of warm delicious baked goods!
I have a GIANT board on Pinterest with all our family favourites on it! Don’t worry their all easy peasy to make… because let’s be real… who has time for super complicated recipes when you have little ones running around!
Go check it out!!!

See also  Lost in Motherhood

These are some of our favourite winter traditions… what are some of your families winter traditions?! We are always looking for more fun things to do so please leave a comment below so we can all get through these cold days!!!

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