seint, Seint, SEINT, Seint beauty, makeup, seint makeup

Where I Have Been & Where I am Going.

Hey everyone, It’s been a while… It’s been a while since I had the creative spark to write. To take my thoughts and share them.

Since the last time I posted a lot has changed… I’ve changed. Iv become a mom of two. iv got a promotion became a homeowner… The pandemic hit, I went on maternity leave, sold our house, moved twice, and had a massive blow-up with my mother-in-law ( if she even deserves this title anymore? ) to the point she is no longer in our lives ( more on this in a different post ). The point is life has gotten busy and my creative outlet became a forgotten idea.

I don’t want to put my creative outlet on the back burner anymore. I have things I want to share. Things I want to write about. Things I NEED to write about.

One of the main things I want to tell you all about is that I have created a whole new section on the blog.
I have created a Makeup page. This will reflect my journey as a SEINT Beauty Artist.

I have partnered with a CLEAN makeup company called SEINT Beauty.

Seint’s mission statement talks about how we shouldn’t be hiding all our beautiful features in pursuit to cover up one part we don’t like about ourselves. With Seint’s 3D foundation you have 4 colours that make up your foundation system. Each colour has coverage that you place in specific spots that creates a three-dimensional look with ONE layer of CLEAN makeup.

With traditional makeup, we layer all these different products in hopes to hide the parts we don’t like and accentuate the parts we do. This typically results in a flat one-dimensional look that can sometimes give you a “cakey” look. This can also result in a matte finish ( maybe that’s your preference and that is totally fine this is just my opinion) and creasing in fine lines.

See also  Five Things To Know About Cream Makeup!

Seint’s IIID ( 3D ) foundation is a cream-based makeup that is pretty much paint by numbers for your face.

All of SEINT’s makeup is made up of 11-16 clean ingredients

And all the cream makeup is manufactured in The United States. Can you see why I love it yet? No? Oh yeah, and did I mention that it only takes 5 Min to apply and comes in a cute magnetic compact that is reusable and recyclable?!

Each colour comes in a little metal tin that sticks right into the magnetic compact. Making it easy to swap out colours.

You only buy the colours that YOU want and your only replacing the tins as you need to without replacing a whole pallet. No more buying a whole pallet just for the 2 colours you want.

Yeah, so you can see why I was intriuged. needless to say, I watched my friend use this makeup for months!!!! In January 2021 I finally decided to try the makeup and QUICKLY realized that everyone needs to know about this makeup. I mean it’s a complete game changer!

I mean think about it… why don’t all our products have coverage? Why wouldn’t we want to have makeup that we put on in one layer? Why wouldn’t we want makeup that only takes 5 min and fits in a compact the size of our phones? like, come on?!

Okay so now you know why I partnered with SEINT. But what does that mean how does it apply to YOU?

Well… It means I sell the makeup. Now I get it trust me…. buying makeup online especially foundation can be concerning. What if the colour doesn’t match? How do you pick the right colour? What if you don’t like it? How can you return it? I get it there is SO many questions! So let me answer them!

See also  Five Things To Know About Cream Makeup!

How do I pick the right colour? – I am trained in online colour matching and I would match you to your perfect colour. All you do is send me a makeup-free selfie. You can follow the link to my colour match form or DM me on Instagram @mrs.madisonmiller
colour match form:

What if the colour doesn’t match? – If for whatever reason the colour doesn’t match, you can swap your colour as many times as you need in the first 60 days from purchase.

What if I don’t like it / How do I return it? – If for some reason you don’t fall madly in love with the makeup you can return the makeup in the first 30 days with your money back.

I’m sure everyone will have a million more questions but I plan to answer all these in my future posts! For now, this is what I will leave you with.

Feel free to reach out to me at any time for questions or concerns.

Thank you for dropping by and I hope you come back for more Makeup, Marriage and Motherhood !!!


  • Sheila Ehmke

    I have purchased this makeup and I LOVE it. Now, I have mature skin and it makes me look flawless! Even under my Covid mask! Highly recommend this stuff! And I love that you have started a brand new journey! Keep us posted!!!

    • admin

      I am so glad you love this makeup! it TRULY is a game changer! Stay tuned for the new journey I am on and I hope I can give you some helpful tips & tricks!

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