• Books,  Motherhood

    Finding my Spark.

    Burnt out, lost … losing yourself…missing that spark you once had. There will be a time, a season if you will, while raising your young family (or just trying to figure out how to be an adult) where you will feel lost. That could be lost in a sense of not knowing what you’re doing (but honestly who really does) or lost in your identity. Maybe even feeling lost in life in general. You may stop to look in the mirror and not recognize the person staring back at you. The messy bun. The sweatpants. The dark circles under the eyes and that missing spark. A stranger. Or maybe I’m wrong and…

  • Motherhood

    Lost in Motherhood

    They always say it… I don’t know who “they” are but you hear it. You lose yourself in motherhood. It’s true. It happened. But on the other hand, you hear them say, “don’t lose yourself in mother hood” or “Find time for you.” That’s not possible. The early mornings, the late nights and all the chaos in the middle. You find yourself counting the hours till bed time and dreading the break of dawn. You stay up late just to find time to do something of your choice, without getting up ever 2 minutes to appease one of the little humans. You’ve become the snack bitch. The maid. The butler.…

  • Must have apps

    New Mom Must Have Apps

    New mom veteran or not these are some MUST HAVE apps that will help guide you through the journey. If this is your first, seconded or fifth baby the journey will be different…it’ll be new territory that you’ll have to find your way through… and these are some of the apps I absolutely LOVE! They have helped calm my worries and give me hope, guide me through the hard times and remind me when I forget. So here are my all-time favourite New Mom Must Have Apps 1.What to Expect What to expect is a GREAT App. It’s modelled after the very popular book “What to expect when your expecting”…

  • Pregnancy must haves

    Pregnancy Must-Haves

    12 Pregnancy Must-Haves   Finding out that you’re pregnant is a very overwhelming experience. Your hormones are going crazy and your mind is running a mile a minute. Well, let me help with all the craziness and tell you the pregnancy must-haves you’ll need. This post might contain affiliate links.   1. Water Bottle When you’re pregnant you’ll become very thirsty! Like all the time! I carried a water bottle with me everywhere! I became obsessed with it . I also could only drink ice cold water so I ended up getting a Bubba to keep it cold.    2. Tea Now, there are a lot of studies out there talking about having caffeine while pregnant. I decided to play…

  • Baby Must haves, First time mom baby must haves, Baby essentials
    All About Baby

    Baby Must Haves

    First-time mom baby must-haves! This article may contain affiliate links. So you already probably know that I’m a first-time mom, and like most first-time mom’s I wanted to buy everything that Babies R Us had. I put together a little list of all the products I couldn’t live without. All my baby must-haves! My Son was born in April so my list will probably be different then if you were to have a baby in the winter. But these products saved my sanity that’s for sure.   1. Baby Einstein Star Bright. Okay, so this toy Baby Einstein Star Bright Symphony saved me time and sanity… I will be buying this for every person that…

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