• Baby Must haves, First time mom baby must haves, Baby essentials
    All About Baby

    Baby Must Haves

    First-time mom baby must-haves! This article may contain affiliate links. So you already probably know that I’m a first-time mom, and like most first-time mom’s I wanted to buy everything that Babies R Us had. I put together a little list of all the products I couldn’t live without. All my baby must-haves! My Son was born in April so my list will probably be different then if you were to have a baby in the winter. But these products saved my sanity that’s for sure.   1. Baby Einstein Star Bright. Okay, so this toy Baby Einstein Star Bright Symphony saved me time and sanity… I will be buying this for every person that…

  • Camping with a Baby, Family camping, Camping trip, Camping with a toddler, Camping Hacks
    How To

    Camping with a Baby

    Camping With a Newborn When we first found out we were expecting our bundle of joy we didn’t want to lose ourselves in parenthood. We didn’t want to stop doing all the things we loved. Having a child doesn’t mean your life ends, as many people our age would believe… Being parents, we still get to do everything we used to do but in a modified way. My husband and I ( and especially Ted ) love to go camping, so when the summer came around, when our son was only 2 months old we figured out how to bring a newborn camping. I mean I was camping at a…

  • Pregnancy

    7 Ways to Induce Labour Naturally!

    7 Ways to jump-start labour! As a first-time mom, I was very excited and anxious to meet our little bundle. So at 37 weeks I went on the internet and found some old remedies that would help bring on labour naturally! So here is a list of things to help induce labour naturally.     How to bring on labour naturally! When your 38+ weeks pregnant it can be very uncomfortable… you can find yourself dreaming of labour and counting the days till you get to hold your little bundle! 1. Walking. Walking can really help induce labour naturally and help move things along. When I was 38 weeks pregnant…

  • bonding with baby
    All About Baby

    Bonding with baby

    Bonding with Baby. My Story about bonding with my son. I didn’t think it would be hard… I didn’t think I would have to THINK about it… I thought when you have a baby that you automatically have a bond with them and I guess you do in a way but not the way I was expecting. My husband and I found out we were expecting while we were planning our wedding, not the most conventional way but we rolled with it. We were planning on having kids quickly anyway. So we decided to move the wedding up, like a year and a half up. The wedding was planned in…

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