Sensory Play

DIY Sensory Play

As a first-time mom, I am always worried about if my son was learning enough and hitting those milestones. I was ( or am ) always looking everything up… when should he be doing this.. or he be doing that. Well, I took it upon my self to figure out fun ways to integrate sensory and motor skills into safe creative play.

So I found some great ways to engage him in safe fun sensory activities. I am always concerned about what Noah is putting in his mouth and on his skin, so I came up with a way for him to learn his colours and engage his sensory skills. I am a strong believer that kids don’t need battery powered toys all the time and that they should connect to their environment in a physical way.

The great thing is you can find all the ingredients in your house ( or mostly )

Sensory activity 1. Yogurt Paint!

Do you have some yogurt? Perfect! Do you have some neon food colouring? Awesome! How about some ziplock bags? Fantastic! Lastly… Tape…!


1. All you need to do is Take a yogurt cup. separate it into 3 different bowls or as many bowls as colours you want.

2. Take the food colouring and add a couple drops to each bowl and stir it in till desired colour. Put either one colour or two in each ziplock bag ( adding more than one colour will help teach colour blending ) Zip. Tape to the window. Done!

Noah loved playing with the yogurt paint, it was something new and different and since he loves smacking things it was right up his alley! And of course, this is supervised play.

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Sensory activity 2. Galaxy bottles!

You can find most of the ingredients for the galaxy bottles around the house as well. All you’ll need is, a water bottle, olive oil ( vegetable oil will work well too) some food colouring ( optional ) and glitter or buttons or both.

1. pour one part water and one part oil in the bottle.

2. pour in lots of glitter and some buttons.

3. add a couple drops of food colouring.

4. Tighten lid

5. Shake.

6. Sit and play.

of course, this is all supervised play!

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