Self Care, Self love
How To,  Marriage

Self Care

The Importance of Personal Self Care for Mothers

As Wives and Mothers, we are constantly caring for others and that is what we do! We nurture. It’s in our nature to do so, and as mothers and wives, we tend to put ourselves last. ( or is that just me? )

Self Care is important no matter what… mother, wife or neither!

The old saying goes “Love your self first, and everything else will fall in line” – Lucille Ball 

Or how about this one?? “Solitude is where I put my chaos to rest and awaken my inner peace” –Nikki Rowe 

The Point is… Self-care in any form is important. You can’t help anyone if you are run down. You will be no good to your husband if you haven’t been looked after first. You need to love yourself before you can love someone else … or so they say… and I believe that to be 100% true.

I find with my self if I’ve been running around a lot lately, haven’t made it to the gym or have just been too busy for myself I get angry… and not at anyone or anything specific but I start to feel neglected and resentful. When really I’m needed and wanted so much by my husband and son so why should I feel neglected or angry?

I ask my self this every time!

People make you feel that because you are a mother you should be completely fulfilled by this and need nothing else. That being run down and tired and a hot mess is just what you get. It comes with the territory.

But it shouldn’t have to! You shouldn’t neglect yourself because you have a small human to look after. If anything that is more of a reason to prioritize self-care.

You shouldn’t let mom guilt stop you from Self Care.

Children watch and mimic their parents so why not set an example of a Self Care routine and show them how to love themselves first.

If anything do it FOR them.

See also  Family Zoo Trip

Knowing your self and your worth and who you are as a person inside and out is crucial to explaining and showing your kids how to love themselves wholly and completely. When we have a better understanding of our selves we are better able to understand others. Knowing how we feel and why we feel that way is a stepping stone to creating a better YOU.

When we love our selves and take the time to nurture that love it becomes easier to love others. To help them, understand them and be able to give! You can’t give if you have nothing TO give.

It is not selfish to take time for YOU… let me repeat! It is not selfish to love your self-fist! 

If anything its actually the least selfish thing you could do! To set your self up to better care for others.


Now that I broke down WHY you should have a self-care routine or toolkit let me break down or explain what exactly self-care is.


What is Self Care?

Self Care is looking after yourself. Simple as that. Taking the time to do the things that fulfil you. Doing things that feed your soul! Things that nurture you. Doing things for you by you.


What does Self Care do for you?

Self Care is important for your overall health. It helps release stress and anxiety along with improving overall self-esteem and confidence. By practicing self-care you won’t only help improve your relationship with yourself but also your relationship with others


So what can you do for Self Care?

There are tons of things you can do for self care. Really whatever makes you happy and feeds your soul. Self care is different for everyone.

But for an example, these are my self-care favourites!


1. Bubble Bath with Candles

I love running a hot bubble bath and relaxing with some candles and a glass of wine (always wine)

2. Reading a Book

This one doesn’t happen nearly as often as it used now that I have a toddler, but I love curling up in some cozy clothes and escaping into a different world!

See also  Lost in Motherhood

3. Facials

This one is so simple to incorporate into your nightly routine. I enjoy putting a face mask on and relaxing and watching an episode of my current favourite T.V show and sipping on a glass of wine while nourishing my skin!

4. T.V

Yes, I would consider watching T.V self care. Just like a good book sometimes you need to turn off mom brain and escape to a different world and just let your mind relax for a bit and enjoy a nice romcom or comedy to help you decompress and just chill. For me, my T.V self care time is when I can watch one of MY shows without any husband commentary in the background.

5. Gym

I would consider going to the gym my favourite and most consistent self care routine. When I am there I have about two hours of uninterrupted me time! I can literally work out any frustrations I have along with improving my health.

6. Getting My Hair Done

I always feel beautiful and SO happy after getting my hair done. This wouldn’t be one I do often but when I do I feel fabulous.

7. Manicure and Pedicure

I don’t get my nails done often because I can’t bother with the keep up, but I love getting a pedicure done and the odd time a manicure. I feel so put together when both my hands and feet are done.

8. Shopping

Retail therapy is real! I like to buy my self a new shirt or bottoms when I’m feeling down or we are going to an event. Having a new outfit makes me feel so pretty and put together.


These are just a few of the things I do for self care. Everyone’s will be different. But don’t forget self care is SO important!

I’d LOVE to hear about some of your self care tips and routines!

Leave a comment below on your routine!

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