• Strong Relationship

    Building a Strong Relationship

    Creating a Strong Stable Relationship I’ve noticed nowadays a lot of people can’t hold a relationship down. People are either too eager to find the next best thing or they simply can’t connect properly to their partner and their relationship ends up falling apart. People are more connected to their devices than their partner. They lust after the perfect relationship without working on the one they have. This is how the relationship fails and the opposite of a strong relationship takes place. When you start dating someone you have to figure out what works and what doesn’t. This includes all aspects of the relationship – emotionally, physically, and everything in between. What worked with your…

  • How To,  Pregnancy

    Postpartum Recovery

    The Truth About Postpartum Recovery How to survive your postpartum recovery. There’s a lot of general knowledge about postpartum recovery BUT there’s also A LOT that “They” don’t tell you. I had a basic idea of what postpartum was going to be like. There would be a constant “period” for weeks and going to the bathroom would probably hurt you know the common knowledge. But oh boy was I in for a shock! There’s so much other stuff that they don’t tell you! So let ME tell you the postpartum recovery truth!   1. The Bathroom. The bathroom will become a scary place where you won’t want to go. You’ll…

  • How To

    Camping With a Toddler

    How To Camp with a Toddler We are very outdoorsy people and love to camp, hike, canoe and kayak. We want our son to experience all of the wonderful things nature has to offer so we started to introduce him to camping at very young age…he was a month old when we first took him camping. You can read all about how that went here. Since we survived camping with a newborn we thought camping with a toddler was going to be a breeze…. we were mistaken… camping with a toddler was a lot more work than we expected. So here are our tips for camping with a toddler.   1.…

  • Pregnancy must haves

    Pregnancy Must-Haves

    12 Pregnancy Must-Haves   Finding out that you’re pregnant is a very overwhelming experience. Your hormones are going crazy and your mind is running a mile a minute. Well, let me help with all the craziness and tell you the pregnancy must-haves you’ll need. This post might contain affiliate links.   1. Water Bottle When you’re pregnant you’ll become very thirsty! Like all the time! I carried a water bottle with me everywhere! I became obsessed with it . I also could only drink ice cold water so I ended up getting a Bubba to keep it cold.    2. Tea Now, there are a lot of studies out there talking about having caffeine while pregnant. I decided to play…

  • All About Baby

    Baby Eczema Remedies

    Our Baby Eczema Cure Before I give you any tips, pointers or any information, I want to say that I am not a medical professional and have no medical background. For any concerns please speak to a medical professional. This post may contain affiliate links. I want to start off by saying baby eczema is very common, especially if one of the parents has eczema. It can also be VERY difficult to find the right cure for eczema for anyone, not just a baby. I want to go into a bit of detail about what baby eczema is and how to cure it. But first I want to give you a…

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