Must have apps

New Mom Must Have Apps

New mom veteran or not these are some MUST HAVE apps that will help guide you through the journey. If this is your first, seconded or fifth baby the journey will be different…it’ll be new territory that you’ll have to find your way through… and these are some of the apps I absolutely LOVE! They have helped calm my worries and give me hope, guide me through the hard times and remind me when I forget.

So here are my all-time favourite New Mom Must Have Apps

1.What to Expect

What to expect is a GREAT App. It’s modelled after the very popular book “What to expect when your expecting”

One of my favourite parts about this app is every week there is a video about what is happening to your body and how the baby is developing.
My husband and I would look forward to every Saturday morning in anticipation… we would wake up, grab a coffee and cuddle in bed and watch the video. It was a great way for my husband to feel more connected and involved in the pregnancy. These videos are VERY informative! Along with the weekly videos about the development of the baby, there are also daily reminders, Tips and nutritional advice to keep up to date and informed 🙂

By Far my #1 New Mom Must Have Apps

2. Ovia Pregnancy

Ovia Pregnancy is similar to What to Expect in some ways but in others comepletly different.

Ovia Pregnancy has weekly videos but they are of a woman who is currently pregnant. The videos are less informative and more directed to what the woman in the video experienced that week along with small tid bits of information.

What I really liked about Ovia Pregnancy was the weekly/Daily updates of actual informative information about the development of your baby.

Some of my favourite features of this app are the growth chart of your developing baby… theres a little hand with a small pink hand over it that shows you on average the current size of your babies hand in comapreson to what it will be when the baby is born… i thought that was super cool.

See also  Hello World!

Tracking your symptoms with instant feedback! This was very reassuring for me being a first-time mom, and being super paranoid about every ache and pain. As a first-time mom, you’re always wondering if it is normal or not!

3. Wonder Weeks ( Paid )

Okay… so i’m not normally one to pay for an app but in this case DO IT!

Wonder weeks is an amazing tool for during and after pregnancy!

This incredible app tracks your babies mental development in a way no other app does! Your baby goes through something called “Mental Leaps”. This app will track these mental leaps and inform you when they are coming and what the leap will be such as ” World of Programs” at 50 1/2 weeks after due date. The app will continue to tell you more information about that leap and how your baby will be learning that “mental leap”. What I found cool about this app is it’ll show you when the leap will be taking place and when the baby might be fussier than normal in response to the mental leap… I found this incredibly accurate.
It also helps you understand your baby a bit more and how they might be feeling.

Such a great app Highly recommend ! This is A MUST HAVE APP!!!

4.Google Photos

So this one is kinda self explanatory but i am still going to explain why you need it!

I have switched from Iphone to android and back plenty of times and google photos alows me to bring my photos with me no matter what device i am using!

Some of the great features of this app are continuous backup. As long as you turn on “back up” your photos will always back up.
You can create custom albums, photo books and collages
You can share those albums with family and Friends
Google Assitant will create little photo videos for you
Google photos will also create little memory videos of ” Rediscover this day”

See also  Pregnancy Must-Haves

Basically, Google photos is the best way to keep your photos safe and accessible!
This app is a must have for the one main fact that your not going to lose all your baby photos!!!

5. Peanut

Peanut is an app where you can connect and chat with other moms near you!
You can explore different topics or even create posts about topics you are interested in or need advice on!
Peanut is a great way to keep your self from feeling isolated… I know that was something I was struggling with at the beginning.
Having other moms who are going through the same thing just give you that extra boost of encouragement that let’s face it… we all need from time to time!
If your having a hard time being a stay at home mom i recommend this must have app as a great tool!
You can also check out my other post on Surviving Being a Stay At Home Mom

6. Ovia Parenting

Ovia Parenting is a great app that has almost everything you need in an app for after baby is born! Ovia Parenting transitions very well from Ovia Pregnancy.
With Ovia Parenting you can log feedings, diaper changes, and babies sleep schedule, you can even track babies milestones and development!
Ovia Parenting has personalized articles and daily information that you can share with family and friends along with a GREAT supportive community where you can post questions and connect with other mommas!!

What I really liked about this must have app was that I could track my sons milestones on my own and see where his development was at along with what other milestones will be coming up!

I hope my favourite must have Apps help you on your parenting journey and that you find them as useful as I have!!!! If your looking for more survival tips and tricks for first time mom’s head on over and check out my First Time Mom Essentials

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