Family Fall Bucket list

Family Fall Bucket List

Fun Family Fall Bucket List

Fall is one of my favourite seasons! I love the crisp air with the hot sun… the cool evenings sitting by the fire and all the beautiful colours! With Fall being my favourite season I always want to take advantage and do all my favourite Fall activities! So here’s a Fall Bucket List for the family!


Fall Bucket List


1. Go To a Farm

Going to the farm is so much more fun than going in the summer! The animals are more active and they always have fun activities for the family! You can pet and feed the animals, go on hayrides, pick apple or pumpkins, even get some farm fresh veggies to make a nice harvest dinner!

2. Hay Ride

Hayrides are like a fall staple, you have to go on a hayride! The kids will love it and you and your hubby can enjoy the fresh air and take in the moment while watching the kids have a blast!

3. Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkin patches are a must even if you’re not into Halloween! You can go and pick the perfect pumpkin and carve it if that’s your thing or even use it to make some delicious recipes for the family!

The whole family will have fun picking pumpkins together and then either carving it or making some yummy food together!

4. Corn Maze

My husband and I love doing the corn mazes ( the more difficult ones ) and now that Noah is a little older this year he will actually be able to enjoy it and have fun!

Corn mazes are a great family fall activity because the kids can run ahead while the parents stay back a bit and enjoy some time together.

5. Fall Hike

We are outdoorsy people as you may know so we love going on cool crisp fall hikes! Its always good to get outside and take in mother nature especially in such a beautiful season!

6. Jump in a Leaf Pile

So this is a win-win for a fall bucket list activity! The kids have a blast and the lawn gets cleaned up!

The whole family can work together to rake up the leaves and then everyone can have fun jumping in it after! ( and then cleaning it up again 😛 )

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7. Make a Fall Desert

I love baking and Fall is just the beginning of my baking season! So I love starting my baking season off with a nice fall dessert! I always like incorporating the season into my baking… so apples, pumpkin, cinnamon anything related to that season! Think pumpkin pie or apple pie? The fun part is the kids can join in on helping you bake and then the whole family can relax and enjoying eating it late <3

8. Make Apple Cider

Making apple cider is another fall staple! You just have to do it! The fun thing is you can make apple cider and then when the kids are done jumping in their leaf pile can relax with a nice hot cup of apple cider!

9. Fall Family Photoshoot

My husband and I have been doing this since we were dating! It’s so cool to see how we have changed and our family has grown since our first fall photo shoot! This is on our fall bucket list every year! I’d say its #1 on our list!

10. Apple Picking

This is another Fall Bucket list favourite of ours that we MUST do every year! It’s fun to go around picking the perfect apples and enjoying the sun. We always like to make a dessert or apple cider out of the apples we pick. Just make sure that you are picking the appropriate apples for what you want to use them for! 🙂

11. Make a Fall Soup

This one is new to our Fall Bucket List. Just last year I thought I would attempt making some creamy soups for my husband for work! We loved it and now it’s on our Fall Bucket List forever!

12. Bake a Turkey

So if your Canadian this will probably already be on your fall bucket list because of Thanksgivingving but if you’re not Canadian then you must have this one your fall bucket list because come one… its turkey!

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13. Make Something With Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are my FAVOURITE! In the fall I take full advantage of eating them! Making a sweet potato casserole with some marshmallows and pecans will be kid favourite for sure! I mean what kid wouldn’t want to eat marshmallows for dinner?

14. Sit By a Fire

Sitting by the fire with a cozy blanket as a family is just the best! Fall bucket list activity for sure!

15. Candy Apple Bar

Slicing up some apples ( that you picked ) and then having a bunch of different dips and toppings is a nice little fall treat to enjoy as a family! The kids will love it and so will your sweet tooth!

16. Backyard Foot Ball

This is a GREAT fall tradition to start as a family! It’ll get everyone active and enjoying the outdoors. An added bonus as the kids get older you can play kids vs. parents

17. Leaf Craft

If the kids aren’t old enough yet to play football… why not go for a little walk and collect some cool leaves and make a leaf craft as a family!

18. Learn the History of Thanksgiving

Why not sit by the fire or cozy up with some blankets and learn the history of Thanksgiving?

19. Do a Random Act of Kindness

With ThanksChristmasd christmas being the main holidays in this season why not do a random act of kindness? Show the kids what the holiday is really about and make someone’s day 🙂

20. Watch a Fall Movie

Simple. Watch a fall movie as a family… why not grab some of the yummy treats you made from some of your other fall activities!

21. Go to a Fall Fair

Fun for everyone! Enjoy the fall fair and have some fun as a family!


These are some of the fun fall bucket list ideas we have on our fall bucket list every year! I hope you get to enjoy the season and have some quality family time!

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