
Date Night after baby!

10 Date Night In ideas!

Once you have a baby it can be hard to find time for yourself not to mention your relationship, but it’s so important to nurture your relationship just as much as your baby. You hear a lot of the time that people end up resenting their partner or they end up breaking up because they fell out of love. That’s why you need to make time to connect and just be a couple. You may think ” we spend every evening together” that may be true but what I’m saying is set aside time to actually spend time together… not time where you both sit on the couch scrolling through your phones while F.R.I.E.N.D.S is playing in the background… no, I’m talking about a time where you DATE each other… no kids… no talking about bills…no talking about work… just you and your partner enjoying each other like you used to, so I put together a list of our favourite Date Night In ideas. Hope you enjoy.

1. Homemade Pizza.

So we decided to try and make a homemade pizza one valentines and it was a lot of fun. We went to the grocery store and picked up all the ingredients… it was a lot of fun deciding what we wanted and how we were going to make it. We decided to make a stuffed crust with cheese. I don’t recommend this because we ended up with a pizza soup… the crust got too high and the middle didn’t cook. But we had a blast.* note: you can either make your own dough or pick it up at the grocery store* This is such a fun date night.

2. Try a New Recipe.

This is always fun because you never know how it’ll turn out and what to expect. We love doing this because it’s different than just making dinner as a team every night for the family… you just go through the motions of making one of your typical dishes. When you try out a new recipe you don’t know what you’re doing and it ends up being a lot of fun trying to figure that out together and then once you’re done you get to enjoy your accomplishment together. The great thing about this date night idea is that the two of you are working together as a team and having fun.

See also  Building a Strong Relationship

3. Order In and Cuddle.

If you are not into cooking then ordering in and cuddling up on the couch is always a nice time. You can chow down and talk about everything. an oldy but a goody.

4. Wine and Chocolate Tasting.

If you’ve already had dinner then this is a great date night for after the kids are in bed. Pick up a couple different bottles of wine and a few different boxes of chocolate and have fun figuring out what pairings go well with each other and what ones just don’t work. You’ll have a blast trying all the different flavours. I’m sure a few laughs will be had. You’ll have a romantic but fun date night in 🙂

5. Bubble Night.

If you aren’t a fan of wine and chocolate than this is a great alternative for when the kids are asleep. Draw a nice bubble bath for the two of you and pick up a bottle of bubbly ( champagne ) and just have a romatic bath together and relax.

6. Love Nest.

If the above date nights weren’t long enough for you then follow it with this one. Make a nice little romantic love nest… grab some candles… put some satin sheets on the bed  ( or just fresh sheets )… turn the lights out… pick up some massage oil and wine and have a nice time enjoying each other.

7. Just Talk.

This one is classic. Just talk. talk like you did when you first got together. talk all night. try and leave out the stuff about bills and work and all the things that need to be done around the house. talk and reconnect. Simple but a perfect date night in.

See also  10 Things That Change When Becoming a Mom.

8. Dream Vacation Planning.

My husband and I like to do this one every once and a while. We pick a place we have always dreamed of going and try and plan it out as if we were going and expenses weren’t an issue. We look at all the hotels and flights. We pick where we would eat and what we would do. It’s always fun to dream and kinda gets you motivated to get to a spot where you could do that.

9. Camping Out.

We like to do this one around Christmas time for our date night in. We grab all the blankets and pillows from the bedroom and a few extras from the closet and camp out in the living room, in front of the fireplace by the Christmas tree. We will normally order in and watch a bunch of Christmas movies. ( We like the Santa Claus series with Tim Allen ). It really sets a cozy Christmas feel and is super romantic.

10. Couple Workout.

Okay, so this one might not be for everyone. The odd time if we aren’t burnt out and super tired we like to goof around and do couple workouts. ex: Get your partner to pick you up, wrap your legs around their waist and then lean all the way back and come up like a sit up. OR get the stronger of you to go down in a push-up position and then you get on top the opposite way in a push-up position ( hands on the backs of their ankles and feet on their shoulder blades) and then you both do a push up at the same time. This always ends in laughs.


These are just a few of our favourite date night in ideas. I hope you have fun trying them out and please leave a comment with a few of YOUR favourite date night ideas for us to try out!




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