• Blog

    The Book of Azrael by Amber V. Nicole – A Multiverse of Intrigue and Morally Grey Magic

    Title: The Book of Azrael Author: Amber V. Nicole Published: March 29th, 2022 Publishing House: Rose & Star Publishing Series: Gods & Monsters Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Hello my fellow fantasy lovers, today we are diving into Amber V. Nicole’s “The Book of Azrael”. The Book Of Azrael is a captivating journey that begins in the deserts of Eoria with Dianna’s sacrifice to save her dying sister. Little did she expect that her plea would be answered by a monster far worse than any nightmare, setting the stage for an epic tale of adventure, intrigue, self reflection and complex relationships. From the very first chapter, I knew this would be a five…

  • beat the winter blues
    Blog,  How To

    Beating The Winter Blues

    It’s no secrete that most peoples favourite season is Summer. The warm weather, longer days, and all the fun things you can do outside. So no wonder everyone hates winter. Freezing cold weather… stupid amount of snow ( Or is that just me because I live in the Canadian Snow Belt?) Short days and months of being cooped up in your house like a hermit waiting for those warm sunny days! I know for me I really don’t mind the winter up till January 1st … and then I am DONE! I Hate the cold weather, the dry skin, the cleaning the snow off your car just to have the…

  • Family Fall Bucket list

    Family Fall Bucket List

    Fun Family Fall Bucket List Fall is one of my favourite seasons! I love the crisp air with the hot sun… the cool evenings sitting by the fire and all the beautiful colours! With Fall being my favourite season I always want to take advantage and do all my favourite Fall activities! So here’s a Fall Bucket List for the family!     1. Go To a Farm Going to the farm is so much more fun than going in the summer! The animals are more active and they always have fun activities for the family! You can pet and feed the animals, go on hayrides, pick apple or pumpkins, even…

  • Blog

    Hello World!

      Hey there, welcome to You, me and a journey. My name is Madison Miller. I am new to this blogging thing so please bear with me. To start off, I’d like to share a bit about myself. I’m 23 years old and married to the most amazing incredible loving and supportive man, Daniel Miller. We have a beautiful 10 month old baby boy named Noah, who was born April 19th, 2017, along with a big loving cuddly dog named Teddy. He’s a black lab golden retriever mix. We live in Ontario, Canada, the good old great white north. We are big outdoorsy people and love to camp and hike and spend as much time outside as possible (more in the summer…

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