• Diaper Bag, Diaper Bag Essentials, Baby essentials, Toddler essentials
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    Diaper Bag Essentials

    All About a Diaper Bag So you just got a great new diaper bag! That’s Awesome… but now what do you put in it? That was my problem at least! for the first couple months of my son’s life I had that diaper bag packed to the brim! Everyone tells you that you need EVERYTHING! That’s not true at all! what you need in your diaper bag will depend on what stage your baby is in. What your baby will need as a newborn will greatly differ from what your baby will need as an early toddler! So what do you need to pack in your diaper bag in all these different…

  • All About Baby

    Baby Eczema Remedies

    Our Baby Eczema Cure Before I give you any tips, pointers or any information, I want to say that I am not a medical professional and have no medical background. For any concerns please speak to a medical professional. This post may contain affiliate links. I want to start off by saying baby eczema is very common, especially if one of the parents has eczema. It can also be VERY difficult to find the right cure for eczema for anyone, not just a baby. I want to go into a bit of detail about what baby eczema is and how to cure it. But first I want to give you a…

  • All About Baby,  Pregnancy

    10 Things That Change When Becoming a Mom.

    Everything Changed When I Became a Mom. Once I became a mom the obvious changed, you were now caring for a life that was above your own. What I didn’t think would happen was my outlook on pretty much the whole world. Watching movies I used to love changed. Commercials became blubber fest and the way I now deal with situations is completely different. I didn’t know that my whole self would change in a second. My husband and I were talking the other day about how our lives have drastically changed since the birth of our son. It got me thinking… How much has really changed? What changed? Is it…

  • Stay Home Mom, Mom, Working mom, New mom, Baby, Mother, New Mother, SAHM, Mom life, Stay at home mom tips
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    What I Learned Being a Stay Home Mom.

    Tips For Being a Stay at Home Mom. Once my son was born my mom stayed with us for a couple weeks to help with the transition. My husband was working crazy hours at a new job and having my mom there was a huge blessing! Once my mom was gone though… that’s when reality hit. I was left alone with this tiny human all day by my self. How was I supposed to get anything done? As a first time, mom EVERYTHING is new. You don’t know if you are doing anything right and finding a balance is hard. It can be difficult to find that happy medium between baby,…

  • Baby Must haves, First time mom baby must haves, Baby essentials
    All About Baby

    Baby Must Haves

    First-time mom baby must-haves! This article may contain affiliate links. So you already probably know that I’m a first-time mom, and like most first-time mom’s I wanted to buy everything that Babies R Us had. I put together a little list of all the products I couldn’t live without. All my baby must-haves! My Son was born in April so my list will probably be different then if you were to have a baby in the winter. But these products saved my sanity that’s for sure.   1. Baby Einstein Star Bright. Okay, so this toy Baby Einstein Star Bright Symphony saved me time and sanity… I will be buying this for every person that…

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