Strong Relationship

Building a Strong Relationship

Creating a Strong Stable Relationship

Relationship, Strong Relationship, Couple Goals, Relationship Advice

I’ve noticed nowadays a lot of people can’t hold a relationship down. People are either too eager to find the next best thing or they simply can’t connect properly to their partner and their relationship ends up falling apart. People are more connected to their devices than their partner. They lust after the perfect relationship without working on the one they have. This is how the relationship fails and the opposite of a strong relationship takes place.

When you start dating someone you have to figure out what works and what doesn’t. This includes all aspects of the relationship – emotionally, physically, and everything in between. What worked with your ex might not work with your new partner. This is where respect and the 5 love languages come in to play.

Starting with respect. If you don’t respect your partner then it will never work. Let’s actually break down what respect is because if you don’t have respect then you don’t have a relationship.



Admitting your mistakes

Accepting responsibility


Accepting each other’s word ( Believing them )

Giving them the benefit of the doubt


Communicating openly


Asking and not expecting

Making decisions together




Offering encouragement

Valuing their opinions

Supporting each other’s choices

If you have respect for your partner then you’re on your way to building a strong relationship. But how do you make the relationship work on just respect? Well, you first need to know about the 5 love languages.

I had no clue what this was, or how to implement this in my relationship, when my husband and I first started dating. Luckily my husband is a great communicator (well, when it comes to the important stuff lol) My husband is great at talking about issues and discussing how to fix them… he’s also great at getting me to open and up and talk about my feelings (and if you know me, you know I’m an open book but not when it comes to talking about how I feel). So that’s what we did – we opened up and talked about how we feel and what we like in a relationship and thus began building a strong relationship without even knowing we were talking about and implementing the 5 love languages.

See also  Date Night after baby!

So what are the 5 love languages that help you build a strong relationship?

Words of Affirmation

  • Encouraging words
  • Listening actively
  • Empathizing
  • Sending a note in their lunch
  • Sending a quick “thinking of you” text
  • Saying “I love you” randomly

Physical Touch

  • Use body language
  • Making physical touch a priority
  • Holding hands
  • Kissing
  • Cuddling

Receiving Gifts

  • Making your spouse a priority
  • Giving gifts
  • Thoughtfulness
  • Small tokens of love (e.g. a chocolate bar from the gas station)

Quality Time

  • Special moments
  • Uninterrupted conversations
  • One on one time is critical
  • Taking walks/hikes
  • Weekend getaways

Acts Of Service

  • Phrases like, “I’ll help”
  • Doing chores together
  • Making them meals
  • They want to know you’re with them
  • You’re a team

Now what does this all mean in real-life situations? I’ll explain how my husband and I incorporate the 5 love languages in our relationship and how it helped us to build a strong relationship.

My husband likes to be shown he’s loved by Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch and I like to be shown I’m loved by Acts of Service, Quality Time, and Words of Affirmation.

So knowing this information, we like to incorporate this by sending each other a random text in the middle of the day about how much we appreciate each other or leaving a little note on the bed if one of us will be home before the other (words of affirmation). My husband will always fill my water bottle before bed and leave it on my nightstand so I don’t have to (acts of service).

Knowing how your partner wants to be shown they’re loved is important because most of the time we show love the way we like to be loved, so me showing my husband I love him by making him dinner might not have as much of an impact as if I were to cuddle him and say I love him.

See also  Self Care

By keeping this consciously in your mind, you’ll be able to build that strong relationship with your partner and keep from building resentment and frustration towards them.

For example, if you had a hard day at work and you know your partner did as well, work up that little extra mental strength to show them you love them in a way that they resonate with. I promise it’ll make strides in your relationship and help build that super strong bond.

Some great ways to start this conversation is by having a date night in! I have some great Date Night In ideas Here

I’d love to know how this worked for you and if YOU have any tips on building a strong relationship! 🙂

Leave a comment below and let me know what you think! <3

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