• cream foundation

    Five Things To Know About Cream Makeup!

    Cut your makeup routine down to only five min while bringing a glow to your morning makeup routine! Have you been looking for a simpler easier makeup routine? Been eyeing up Sephora? Don’t know where to start? Maybe you are intimidated by entering Sephora like I was. Maybe you are looking for a new foundation and don’t know where to start? I am going to lay down the facts for you. I am going to show you the difference between cream, powder and liquid foundation! Okay… Let’s dive in! Okay, so let’s get right into the different types of makeup and what they are used for! So when choosing what…

  • seint, Seint, SEINT, Seint beauty, makeup, seint makeup

    Where I Have Been & Where I am Going.

    Hey everyone, It’s been a while… It’s been a while since I had the creative spark to write. To take my thoughts and share them. Since the last time I posted a lot has changed… I’ve changed. Iv become a mom of two. iv got a promotion became a homeowner… The pandemic hit, I went on maternity leave, sold our house, moved twice, and had a massive blow-up with my mother-in-law ( if she even deserves this title anymore? ) to the point she is no longer in our lives ( more on this in a different post ). The point is life has gotten busy and my creative outlet…

  • beat the winter blues
    Blog,  How To

    Beating The Winter Blues

    It’s no secrete that most peoples favourite season is Summer. The warm weather, longer days, and all the fun things you can do outside. So no wonder everyone hates winter. Freezing cold weather… stupid amount of snow ( Or is that just me because I live in the Canadian Snow Belt?) Short days and months of being cooped up in your house like a hermit waiting for those warm sunny days! I know for me I really don’t mind the winter up till January 1st … and then I am DONE! I Hate the cold weather, the dry skin, the cleaning the snow off your car just to have the…

  • Must have apps

    New Mom Must Have Apps

    New mom veteran or not these are some MUST HAVE apps that will help guide you through the journey. If this is your first, seconded or fifth baby the journey will be different…it’ll be new territory that you’ll have to find your way through… and these are some of the apps I absolutely LOVE! They have helped calm my worries and give me hope, guide me through the hard times and remind me when I forget. So here are my all-time favourite New Mom Must Have Apps 1.What to Expect What to expect is a GREAT App. It’s modelled after the very popular book “What to expect when your expecting”…

  • Winter Traditions

    Winter Traditions

    Our Favourite Winter Traditions! Winter would have to be my favourite time of year… and when I say winter I mean November till the end of January. After that, I’m dreaming of summer. However, I have a little list of some of our favourite winter traditions that help get us through the winter slump! Winter Traditions 1. Family Shopping trip We got married in November so we like to take our anniversary and use it as an excuse to go away for a couple of nights and go Christmas shopping! We like to go to Niagara Falls. We hit up all the outlet malls and have a nice fancy dinner and just…

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