About Me

Hi Readers,

My name is Madison Miller. I am married to Daniel, the man of my dreams! He is my rock, my support and my world. He gave me the most amazing little boy. Our son’s name is Noah and boy does he keep us on our toes! He was born April 2017 so he’s a Aries. I’m sure we will see a lot of those traits come out as he starts to talk!

I’m a very creative , down to earth person. I express my artistic side through photography. I love the outdoors, my family and my dog, Teddy. You are sure to hear more about him!

I started this blog as a way to express myself. As a stay at home mom, I wanted to share and connect with others. Along this journey, you can expect a lot of trial and error (I’m a first time mom!), lots of “How To’s” and DIYs as I experiment with fun, new things.

I hope this forum allows new friends and old to relate to the joys and triumphs as well as the trials and tribulations. Come on…let’s take this journey together!


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